Fear and loathing in berkshire

Hasn’t this been an eventful start to the year?

Like a lot of people when coronavirus was over in China in December, it wasn’t even on my radar. Now it’s a global pandemic the likes of which haven’t been seen in modern times – outside of a movie!

This has a knock on effect to live music, and rightly so, events are being cancelled left right and centre. I’m lucky enough to not rely on my music as my sole source of income so it isn’t going to hurt my pocket like some musicians. If you do want to support support independent music but can’t, try including those artists are in your streaming playlists or see if there’s any merchandise you can order from their bandcamp or website. The little things can make a big difference.

On a More Positive Note

I made a conscious choice towards the end of last year to focus on quality of gigs rather than quantity, to try and play at events that are concentrating on ‘listening’ audiences rather than those that ‘also have music’. Trouble is that these events are in high demand and book up long in advance for obvious reasons. I am fortunate enough to be booked to play in the coming months at two of the bigger of these events locally:

Music at the Pottery (8th May) which is at the Farnham Pottery and The Loft (21st August) which is at Lynchpit Community Hall.

And i’ve also been speaking to some festivals about having performance slots. Once I have more information I will share it here and on my Facebook.

These are very trying times and I do really appreciate those of you have come out to see me perform recently. I will make sure that both my Facebook and this site is up to date should any gigs be cancelled.